Visit ant talk in University of Pavia (Prof.Ha, Dr.Kang and Jaeyoung Yoon)

Prof.Ha, Dr.Kang and Jaeyoung Yoon visited University of Pavia during 15th-23th Feb. 2024.

Prof.Ha gave lectures about overall stories in collective dynamics on- and offline on 15th, 18-19th Feb. Also, they attended a Italo-Korean symposium “Advances in Kinetic Equations for Collective Phenomena and Related Models” organized by Prof.Zanella, and Dr.Kang and Jaeyoung Yoon gave talk to share the interest with research group Prof.Zanella.

On 17th Feb., they went to a guide tour to Certosa di Pavia with Prof.Zanella’s group.

Prof.Ha’s talk

Italo-Korean Symposium

Visit Certosa di Pavia

Visit ant talk in Caltech (Prof.Ha and Wook Yoon)

Prof.Ha and Ph.D. student Wook Yoon visited Caltech in during 15th-25th Jan. 2024. Prof. Ha gave two talks. The first one was in 18th Jan. in LA probability forum with talk title “Emergent dynamics of infinitely many Kuramoto oscillators”. And the second was in 23th Jn. in CMS with talk title “Four episodes of Kuramoto oscillators”.

18th Jan. in LA probability forum

23th Jan. in CMS